National Institute on Ministry with Young Adults
National Institute on Ministry with Young Adults focuses on formation of those who currently or will do ministry with young adults, accompaniment of ministry leaders working with young adults and their ministries on the local level, research and development in the expanding field of ministry with young adults, and serving ministry leaders at the national level, co-responsibly with our bishops.

Crossroads 4 Christ
Crossroads 4 Christ gathers young adults together to grow in faith and friendship centered in Jesus Christ. Each C4C Chapter hosts weekly “C4C Nights” where members encounter Christ in the Eucharist and in one another. Led by a group of volunteer young adults, a C4C Chapter is meant to serve as a launchpad to a life of missionary discipleship.

Theology on Tap- RENEW International
Administered across North America by RENEW International, Theology on Tap is outreach to and collaboration with young adult Catholics in pursuit of spiritual growth.

John Paul II Project
The mission of the John Paul II Project is to help young adults become builders of a civilization of love and truth through holistic formation programs that immerse the next generations in the example and teachings of St. John Paul II. Because we believe in young adults, we mutually encourage and challenge them by cultivating environments that foster sanctity.

Radiant- Our Sunday Visitor
Radiant, a ministry of Our Sunday Visitor, is a platform for women in their 20s and 30s who are rooted in their identity in Christ and are striving for a vibrant life on this side of heaven. Radiant provides content about spirituality, relationships and culture, all from the perspective of young Catholic women living out the Faith in our world today.

Introduction to Young Adult Ministry
The Introduction to Young Adult Ministry online course walks learners through the particular ways the Church reaches young adults. This course is great for those just beginning the journey of leading a young adult ministry and serves a catalyst for new ways of thinking for those who have been leading young adult ministry for several years. The course is a collaboration between the Diocese of Rochester and the Catholic Apostolate Center.

USCCB Ministry with Young Adults
The USCCB Secretariat for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth offers a network of resources and information that can foster growth in the Church's outreach and ministry with young adults throughout the country. Resources include conferences, webinars, other formation opportunities, and the National Advisory Team on Young Adult Ministry.

Archdiocese of Washington
The Archdiocese of Washington, being closely connected to the USCCB, has done some great work in Young Adult Ministry. There are resources for outreach to young adults in your parish, small groups, maximizing the “Sunday Experience” with Young Adults, basic evangelization training, and so much more.

Young Adult Ministry in a Box
This website offers a subscription service for young adult ministry that many find very helpful! It also offers a lot of free resources including quick tips for ministry, reflections on the weekly readings geared toward young adults, saint connections and best practices around the country that can inspire your ministry efforts.

Busted Halo
A website geared toward seekers and young adults. This site offers a tab for ministry resources that include podcasts, video and topics that can be used in planning young adult gatherings.

id | intentional disciples
id exists to form young adults into intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. id partners with local churches to establish communities of missionary disciples by providing opportunities for young adults (20/30s) to encounter Jesus Christ, decide to follow Him, and bring others into a life-saving relationship with Him. id is helping to raise up Spirit-filled leaders who can build communities of intentional disciples, who are characterized by a “missionary impulse” (Pope Francis), or a deep ache to spread the Good News.

Ascension Press
Sells video seminars, including one called "Straight Talk About Sex" with well-known speaker Christopher West, that can be used with a group of college-aged adults to talk about the trap and heartache of lust and living purely in today's culture and a CD entitled Are You Happy? with Jeff Cavins that studies the topic of happiness amidst a materialistic and social media culture. Ascension Press also produces many YouTube videos that can be found on our playlist for adult formation.