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The Hands of Christ is a recognition program, sponsored by the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, in which the Bishop of Rochester affirms high school seniors of our parishes who have been the “Hands of Christ” in their churches, homes, schools and communities. Hands of Christ recipients:
- Have consistently demonstrated a Christian attitude by word and example.
- Have been actively involved in the parish as well as their school or community.
- Have been a positive role model to their peers, younger children and adults.
- Are a practicing Roman Catholic in a parish in the Diocese of Rochester and attend Mass.
- Are currently a high school senior.
This recognition is reserved for seniors that give consistent attention to worship as well as service in your parish. They are the young people who commit to Sunday Mass and step up to volunteer in a ministry of the parish. They are stewards of their time with God as well as their sharing of time and talent with the needs of the parish and the greater community. They are also young men and women who model Christ-like behavior to their peers.